Sailing has so many versions which share a common thread in which governance has a challenge. The main challenge with World Sailing as it has to see the interests of one hundred members from all the nation from all countries and cultures.

One year ago we were discussing the lack of progress with Member, National Authorities as we are a board member of the sport in many disciplines by creating different ideas, visions, strengths and priorities.
An agreement which is made in May 2017 has a clear strategy document which is to be delivered in the next mid-year meeting has set a clear path regarding all disciplines. In the past year progress was better, but has to do much more.
In Olympic Games the place cannot be taken as for granted. Have to do much better in developing sport in Olympic Agenda 2020 including both gender equality and youth participation.
In Paris 2024 Olympic this sport is compulsory but for the future we have to be proactive and maintain the platform and have to continue this strong momentum that Para Sailing is fully into our framework and will strongly returning in Paralympics 2024. More and more women participation also give benefit to the sport which is not happening in the past.
The major part of the sport is racing keelboats with strong development plans further in future and ORC and IRC are combining to make a World Championship. All this is doing to develop a major role and interest of sport. Also sport can be accessible to all age groups, but mainly youth, which helps in Spreading sport to other new sailing nations.